Mr. Worry – A Story About OCD; OCD Awareness Week Oct. 10-16, 2011

Mr. Worry – A Story about OCD,  is written by Holly L. Niner, illustrated by Greg Swearingen and published by Albert Whitman & Company for children from Kindergarten to fourth grade.   Niner has written a sensitive and meaningful story about a boy with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).   She has a wonderful grasp of OCD,  as she has a child with the disorder and realizes the importance of seeking early intervention.   Swearingen’s illustrations are rich, soft and perfectly capture the emotion of the story.  I highly  recommend this book for kids with OCD, parents, school counselors and teachers.

Before Kevin goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet to make sure nothing is there, looks under his bed repeatedly to make sure it is safe, pushes his chair against his desk, straightens the books on his desk and lines up the cars on his shelf.  And, he asks his mother the same questions repeatedly.   Kevin worries about everything at home and school.  Once the worry starts he has a hard time stopping because “his mind gets sweaty.”   Kevin’s parents are supportive and take him to talk with a therapist, who helps Kevin understand that he has OCD like many other children and adults.   Kevin is relieved to know that he’s not alone or crazy.  He decides to call his OCD, Mr. Worry.  He pictures Mr. Worry as a little man who keeps track of all of Kevin’s worries.  Kevin’s goal is to begin to hang up the phone on Mr. Worry when he calls.   Through behavioral therapy and medications Kevin begins to manage his OCD.   This book is such an accurate portrayal of OCD, children and families will find comfort in its message.  I also believe that this book could be helpful for any child dealing with excessive fear and anxiety.

Mr.Worry was selected by International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) as the Outstanding Book for Young People with Disabilities in 2005.   Holly Niner also is the author of I Can’t Stop: A Story about Tourette Syndrome

OCD Awareness Week is Oct. 10-16, 2011, and sponsored by the International OCD Foundation .   According to the foundation at least 1 in 200 children and teens in the U.S. have OCD.   Understanding the stress and impact OCD has on their lives is imperative in helping them seek the right treatment.   OCD is an all-consuming, debilitating disorder that affects up to 4 million people in the United States.  The disorder also affects millions more: family, friends and caregivers of those with OCD suffer along
side their loved ones.  Please visit the organization website as it has a wealth of information for children, teens, adults, families and school counselors.  Another interesting website for kids with OCD or anxiety is WorryWiseKids.

Copyright (c) 2011,  Patricia Howe Tilton, All Rights Reserved


About Patricia Tiltonhttps://childrensbooksheal.wordpress.comI want "Children's Books Heal" to be a resource for parents, grandparents, teachers and school counselors. My goal is to share books on a wide range of topics that have a healing impact on children who are facing challenges in their lives. If you are looking for good books on grief, autism, visual and hearing impairments, special needs, diversity, bullying, military families and social justice issues, you've come to the right place. I also share books that encourage art, imagination and creativity. I am always searching for those special gems to share with you. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

12 thoughts on “Mr. Worry – A Story About OCD; OCD Awareness Week Oct. 10-16, 2011

    • Diane — I remember your doing a review on “I Can’t Stop, which was verywell done. But don’t remember one on Mr. Worry. I wrote this review some time ago, and was waiting for OCD week. It isn’t easy finding books on the subject that are fiction for kids. Thought this book a fine line between fiction/nonfiction, with the discussion of therapies and medications. I loved the opening.



    • Stacy,
      Thank you Stacy. Many of the books I review are for children with special needs. With 7 million children attending public schools with disablities, there isn’t an accurate representation in books. More are beginning to appear in the autism spectrum, with the protagonists telling their stories. Would love to see more inclusive characterizations in high quality books where kids with disabilities are being recognized for who they are no not just the limitations of their disabilities.



    • Yes, I think the cover tells the entire story and grabs your attention. Yes, it is a good books for kids with OCD as it helps them understand why they worry and that there are people to help. I’m also impressed with the OCD organization as it has a wealth of information.


  1. This sounds like an excellent book, Pat! Thank you for drawing it to our attention. I wish there’d been books like this when I was worrying my way through my childhood and beyond.


  2. Patricia – This looks like a must read! Thanks for the recommendation.

    P.S. – I have been having trouble linking to your blog. Sorry if it looks like I have been absent from commenting. I am not sure what the issue has been, but it looks like it is resolved. So happy now!! Hope you have a great day!


    • Maeve,
      Thank you so much for stopping by. Glad you like the book. My blog is a little different as I focus on books for kids with special needs, along with other topics regarding the military, multicultural, nature and so on.

      I having a very difficult time responding to some blogspot blogs. I have a google log-in, and google reader, but I can’t always respond. Glad you figured it out. Again, thank you for trying.



    • Thank you for stopping by. I wish there were more books on OCD for children. I know quite a few children and adults with OCD. Enjoyed your recent post. I found it interesting that everyone who responded to your post remains anonymous, which signals to me the stigma and/or embarassment associated with OCD.


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