Mightier Than the Sword : Rebels, Reformers, and Revolutionaries by Rochelle Melander

Mightier Than the Sword: Rebels, Reformers & Revolutionaries Who Changed the World through Writing

Rochelle Melander, Author

Melina Ontiveros, Illustrator

Beaming Books, Nonfiction, Jul. 27, 2021

Suitable for Ages: 8-13

Themes: Biographies, Changing the world, Social justice, Writing

Book Jacket Synopsis:

Throughout history, people have picked up their pens and wielded their words–transforming their lives, their communities, and beyond. Now it’s your turn!

Representing a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, Mightier Than the Sword connects over forty inspiring biographies with life-changing writing activities and tips, showing readers just how much their own words can make a difference. Readers will explore nature with Rachel Carson, experience the beginning of the Reformation with Martin Luther, champion women’s rights with Sojourner Truth, and many more.

These richly illustrated stories of inspiring speechmakers, scientists, explorers, authors, poets, activists, and even other kids and young adults will engage and encourage young people to pay attention to their world, to honor their own ideas and dreams, and to embrace the transformative power of words to bring good to the world.

Why I like Mightier Than the Sword:

Mightier Than the Sword is for young people who dream of someday making a difference in their world.  Rochelle Melander show students that they can make a difference through the power of their pens, just like inspiring writing reformers she features from around the globe. Her book is my favorite kind of book to share with readers.

Melander celebrates the lives and stories of over forty diverse and trailblazing people whose writing transformed history from ancient times (978) through the present. They include Murasaki Shikibu (novelist), Abu Abdullah Muhammed Iban Battuta (traveler/travel guides), Martin Luther (theologian), William Shakespeare (playwright and poet), Phillis Wheatley (poet), Sequoyah (anthropologist), Langston Hughes (poet) Rachel Carson (marine biologist and environmentalist), Patsy Takemoto Mink (lawyer and politician), Anne Frank (diarist), The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., (minister and activist), Gene Luen Yang (cartoonist and graphic novelist) Malala Yousafzai, (activist), and Sonita Alizadeh (rapper and activist).

This wonderful resource book for young people is well-researched and beautifully presented. Each featured writer is given two double-page spreads with colorful portraits and illustrations. Melander includes an interactive writing exercises that accompany each featured individual. Her book can be read from beginning to end, or students can scan the Table of Contents and look up individuals they want to read. Make sure you check out the introduction and the end section book where students receive hands-on writing and editing advice.  

Rochelle Melander is a speaker, a professional certified coach, and the founder of Dream Keepers, a writing workshop that encourages young people to write about their lives and dreams for the future. Rochelle wrote her first book at seven and has published eleven books for adults. Mightier Than the Sword is her debut book for children. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Visit her at her interactive website.  Teachers will find activities to use in the classroom. 

Greg Pattridge hosts Marvelous Middle Grade Monday posts on his wonderful Always in the Middle website. Check out the link to see all of the wonderful reviews by KidLit bloggers and authors.

*Review copy won on Natalie Aguirre’s website Literary Rambles, where she interviews authors and agents weekly and offers a lot of giveaway opportunities.  Make sure you check out her wonderful site.